Cookie & Cream

  • Delivery time 45 min
  • Halal

Menu Cookies & Cream

Our dessert-type restaurant welcomes you with a bright smile from your family members and friends. Our restaurant has signature dishes, such as dessert and creams are available to your fullest satisfaction. Our tasty preparation entices you to the restaurant with a lot of expectations. Our main dishes like Caramel Iced Coffee, Chocolate Iced Coffee, Hazelnut Iced Coffee, and Pina Colada Mocktail satiate the requirement of all customers to the core. Both young and old customers love visiting our restaurant due to the exemplary food items available. You can enjoy and quench your thirst by dining in our place.

The various smoothies, such as Strawberry Smoothie, Very Berry Smoothie, Pineapple Power Punch Smoothie, and the Immunizer Smoothie entice many customers to the restaurant. Sundae varieties such as Mint Aero Sundae and Ferrero Sundae are also available in our restaurant. Waffle fantasy and strawberry waffle items are mesmerizing many customers. Chocolate Fudge Cake and Peanut Butter Brownie Stack models are other popular ice cream varieties available in our restaurant. You can have scoops of ice-creams with different toppings in our place. We make fresh ice-creams and cookies in our place to give you mind-blowing satisfaction. Your dream comes true if you dine in our restaurant.

About Cookies & Cream

Our Cookies and Cream restaurant is one of the main restaurants in the city. We are leading professionals in the hotel industry. We have reached this height due to our continuous commitment and dedication to our lovable customers. We are sure that you will be tempted on seeing our menu list in our place. Yes, the unique food style and versatile features of our restaurant give you a wonderful experience. Yes, you may feel different and fulfilled after dining here. Our quality food items and special customer services make you mind-blowing. You can know about it in-depth by visiting our website

Restaurant location Cookies & Cream

You can contact us by reaching at 97 High St N, Dunstable LU6 1J. Yes, you can access us easily without any hassle. You can download our restaurant app from Google Play and App Store. The app helps you to know about our menu list, and the price offered. You can reach us without much effort because we are available near to your location. Our restaurant satisfies your requirement without any gap. Yes, we serve you the most delicious items that you are expecting.

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